Web-comic: Living with HipsterGirl and GamerGirl (ENGLISH VERSION)



177 respuestas a Web-comic: Living with HipsterGirl and GamerGirl (ENGLISH VERSION)

  1. CarlosDon dijo:

    Exelente trabajo, me gustan todos los dibujos, si gustass ayuda web contactame

  2. Shine dijo:

    estan chidos, se necesita una version xxx de estos dibujos xD. Muy buenos

  3. I came for the GamerGirl but I’m laughing more of the HipsterGirl! xD

    Please keep the English version! ^^

  4. Natali dijo:

    me encantan las fotos.. puedes subir la de gamegirl la conuctora perfecta con el control xbox en el auto en version ingles? porfavor

  5. notlistening dijo:

    Need more in english! These are great.

  6. Sebastian dijo:

    Love the art. It would be great if the size of the images were smaller for faster loading though 😛

  7. Sarah dijo:

    I love this comic!! Keep them coming!! 😀

    • somzer dijo:

      great ones, wish there were more «gamer girls» here and less of these…well… these… x)
      man, this is just great xD

  8. AsianGuy dijo:

    Love it you should keep up with more of these i love this comic!

  9. GENIAL! tu trabajo… Espero que «Juliancito Cuéllar» sea un personaje habitual en tus viñetas 😉

  10. conaly dijo:

    Great stuff, HipsterGirl is awesome 😀 Thanks for that and keep up the good work! And I would love to see more English stuff 🙂

  11. Sophie dijo:

    I love love this webcomic. 😀 More please. 😀

  12. syash dijo:

    you are awesome! please make more stuff in english 🙂

  13. faggot dijo:

    So desperate to get views that you give every single female size 9000 tits.

    • Tobias dijo:

      I really didn’t come here for the tits. But for the comic and the sarcastic way of showing things.
      Including the size FF tits which apparently hit you 😉

  14. Curare dijo:

    Please contiune with english version! Pretty please :3

  15. Gorillaz720 dijo:

    I like this comic so much, that it’s a bookmark in my favourites. Please continue to keep up the excellent work!

  16. Gabriel Dav dijo:

    Haz diseños de adultos de hispter y gamergirl

  17. dsfadsf dijo:

    he will never fuck them

  18. Oreo dijo:

    Amazing, hope you will make more english version and make then to work with RSS 🙂

  19. When will be new episodes? I can’t wait! Also I’m translating them into the Russian. We can’t wait for them!! 😀

  20. Adrián Orozco dijo:

    Súper felicitaciones, muy agradable, buen humor, muy actual y los personajes muy llamativos. Me gustaría igualmente anotar que hubo algunos pequeños errores en la estructura escrita del inglés como el: Did you SAW us? Debió ser Did you SEE us?

  21. Greg Syslo dijo:

    awesome Work.

  22. jay dijo:

    Amazing work, and great detail! I love it, especially the ones with boobs, can you do more adult gamer girl and hipster girl? Maybe having sex with that guy, and detail their vagina. That would be so epic and lots would love it. Or maybe gamer girl and hipster girl lesbian action, them fingering each other. That would be awesome

  23. danilo dijo:

    jago ,very good work,but can you try to make hentai of this serie ?

  24. MOAR! 🙂 This just became my new favorite comic!

  25. This is amazing. I hope there are more to come. 😀

  26. 123456789 dijo:

    these are the best i have read in months, never stop 🙂

  27. T dijo:

    adoreable. your comics rock.

    a german fan

  28. sloseph dijo:

    fantastic 🙂 keep up the great work, i can’t wait to see more

  29. Josh dijo:

    An english reading fan here, in el Estados Unidos…

    Great reading, what little I remember from Spanish class back in school.

  30. Pingback: Living with HipsterGirl and GamerGirl (ENGLISH VERSION) | acientwhite's Blog

  31. Very nice work (Y) Keep posting them in English also 😛

  32. rea dijo:

    thank you so much for doing some in English i love these 🙂

  33. Love these. Please keep them coming.

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  35. rcl dijo:

    Great comic! Please keep on working on this!

    One tip: maybe post the comics from latest down, instead of the latest at the bottom?

  36. 081299jk dijo:

    does this ever get updated with more comics?

  37. Thank you more of this awesome series

  38. ChavezCagon dijo:

    We want new comics men, wtf?

  39. André Silva dijo:

    If Erika play on the PC? Because I want to see her playing World of Tanks 🙂

  40. no idea what this field is dijo:

    this stuff is funny as hell!!!
    we want more!!! 🙂

  41. John Merwin dijo:

    This is hilarious! This should be an anime or a manga!

  42. Nuggz dijo:

    i honestly lost it at the one where they’re playing chess

  43. Riuki dijo:

    Those comics are awesome, please keep it up. And English in future comics would be nice as well. 😛

  44. Silmathiel Sioclya dijo:

    The comic is great, well drawn too. Just some translation glitches here and there. (plus that almost all the GamerG frames make for good avatars 🙂 )

    What warrants a special mention is the size and quality of the images: it’s just great. No noise whatsoever, and big enough to actually make out all the details that you as an artist put so much work in (I’ve seen quite a few comics where any details were lost due to the ridiculous downscaling of the images… would hate to see that happen to this comic).

  45. Michael dijo:

    Fantastic Job Man. Keep up the good work. Have you ever thought about animating these?

  46. Alexandrus dijo:

    Just Awsome! //- a swedish fan

  47. Jay dijo:

    Great stuff man! Keep it up!

  48. Keep up the awesome work ! I love Arthur so much ❤ and all your comics 😀

  49. Luke dijo:

    Super funny, relatable, and sexy! Continue the English version!

  50. Steven Martin dijo:

    Me encantan los comicos pero puedes hacer mas con nudidad? Gracias

  51. Damarik dijo:

    I just found this series by way of someone posting a copied link to it from another website. I read through all of the English comics. I have to say: you are damn good at this! 😀

    I would request a Gamer Girl / Monster Hunter strip, if possible. There’s so much to those games that I’m sure you could find something to use in your comic. :3

  52. i came here for boobs! awesome!

  53. Spark dijo:

    Why don’t you just release these alongside your actual posts? I’m not entirely sure you’re updating this list in order, but it would be much more convenient.

  54. firecroll dijo:

    Quería avisarte por si no sabías que la pagina no anda muy bien con Google Chrome (con FireFox no probe), pero si con Explorer.
    En GC los comics se enciman y a muchos algunos no se les puede hacer click.

  55. Mikko Kaarto dijo:

    Only 1 thing i hate with this site, and it is that comments are bundled with pictures. I have joined the RSS feed, so when the new pics are here, i would be notified about it. Not when some people comment and troll on it.

  56. Erick dijo:

    I’m really liking this,keep up the good work. It’s sad to say but I know some people like both girls.

  57. Josh dijo:

    Love these comics and your art in general. Just would like more english work.

  58. Developer dijo:

    I just wanted to thank you for your hard work! I really enjoyed it!
    Try to get in touch of some simpson-futurama like animation provider and make a movie that will sell. And it will sell!

  59. Montserrat dijo:

    Wonderful drawings. They were awesome and very funny.

  60. Yang dijo:


  61. Roier dijo:

    Awesome Comic, thank you very much, you are very talented, I do speak spanish, but I do like the english version better, just because I started reading it in english.

  62. Awesome! Keep them coming! And a BIG THANK YOU for the English translation!

  63. Alex dijo:

    Awesome!! Thank you for the english version 🙂 Best Greetings from Germany

  64. jimbobmcgee dijo:

    Any chance you can tag/categorise these properly in your WordPress, so we can have an RSS of just the English-translated ones?

    Traductor Google sigue …
    ¿Alguna posibilidad de que usted puede etiquetar / clasificar estos correctamente en su WordPress, para que podamos tener un canal RSS de sólo los Inglés-serán trasladados?

  65. Pingback: top 10 webcomics (strips) | surfthelist

  66. Samuell dijo:

    I’m just wondering – are you aware of the fact that your images float around the web, translated in german and possibly other languages too? So far, I’ve only seen them on «picdump» sites, were they collect loads of funny pics – but still, someone, translates them.

  67. cypek1818 dijo:

    Please MORE boobs. The best naked boobs 😉

  68. slogmeister dijo:

    Why the sudden censoring? I’ve always enjoyed these but now I feel like I’m being treated like a child.

    ¿Por qué la repentina censura? Siempre he disfrutado de ellos, pero ahora me siento como que estoy siendo tratado como un niño.

  69. jccq89 dijo:

    Did something happen? The 18+ section is out and now even the nipples are being censored… Your drawings are funny and sexy man, why cover them?

  70. deathoctopus dijo:

    Why block the boobs? That’s awful

  71. SEELE-01 dijo:

    Hay un error de redacción en la versión en inglés del comic del Diablo y los videos de Youtube, el pequeño debería decir «Sir, here are the contracts for *buying* souls» 😉

  72. It seems censoring occurred while I was away. I usually check for something new once a day. I didn’t check for a few days and then there it is. Not really a big deal though just a bit surprising. Anyway keep up the amazing work.

  73. dhjskm dijo:

    Where do we go for the uncensored version now?

  74. Pingback: Living With HipsterGirl And GamerGirl - Renzie Baluyut Online

  75. Razvan dijo:

    What’s with the censoring? :O I don’t like it.

  76. JHawx dijo:

    secon last image: there seems to be small slipup, and non english content leaked to english section?

  77. dnd dijo:

    man this is funny keep up the work

  78. Jasker Violas dijo:

    Pretty damn sweet… saw the Xbone spy strip elsewhere and followed the dots here, and like what I see. Bookmarking this page for future goodness.

  79. a dijo:

    Thank you, really funny stuff. Keep up the GREAT work.

  80. Sam dijo:

    When do you release new ones ? I love these comics !! Keep it up champion !

  81. Pingback: Top 10 webcomics (strips) | surfthelistsurfthelist

  82. Mihai dijo:

    We’re waiting here.. for the English versions

  83. Mihai dijo:

    still waiting for the translations..

  84. tim dijo:

    great work. any chance you would provide us any rss feed?

  85. timotheemoulin dijo:

    great work! any chance, you would provide us a rss or atom feed?

  86. Xicor dijo:

    the new ones should be put at the top, not the bottom, but keep up the good work!

  87. Could you translate a few of your other comics to English as well, they look very intriguing but I’m not very good at any foreign language, and I’d really like a chance to read some of your other works.

  88. fasdfadsfas dijo:

    this is horrible how do you people live with yourselves?

  89. tman dijo:

    Naked pictures would be amazing. That would emphasize on my already favorite comic strip.

  90. Warren dijo:

    Hola! Love the comic! Quick question: I see you are already using WordPress, have you thought about adding ComicPress? It might help with a few things…

  91. Valentina dijo:

    Your drawing skills are really amazing! You may find it quite surprising that the character I find the hottest is the guy!^^ I mean it! He’s just my kind! Please, never cut his hair short! *-* (all my apologies for my terrible english!)

  92. Robthegoat dijo:

    One of the best gaming comics I’ve seen. Keep up the good work!

  93. darkzhul dijo:

    Jago mi amigo, debo decirte que este es probablemtne el mejor comic que he conseguido en internet. felicitaciones.

  94. Pingback: Living with HipsterGirl and GamerGirl (ENGLISH VERSION) | Axel's Blog

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  96. Friend dijo:

    Epic, like ever!

  97. FireballDragon dijo:

    I hate to be the one to point this out, but in regards to your Power Girl/Superman sexism comic, I present this: http://www.shortpacked.com/2011/comic/book-13/05-the-death-of-snkrs/falseequivalence/

  98. ehsan dijo:

    Gosh I love these comics. Well done Jago…continue your work.

  99. driggooziz dijo:

    Great comics! But i would change layout – new ones should be top, or you should make one page for one comic – now you have over 100 comics on the page, it takes some time to load them all. I would suggest some gallery and previous/next buttons or something 🙂

  100. bahama dijo:

    Awesome!!! Your comics are awesome!!!
    Keep on with your excellent work!

    @driggoziz: When i check for the newest stripes, i start loading the page, an abort the loading immediatly, when the first pic is loaded. so the other pic’s are there only as a link without picture, like:

  101. Bailey dijo:

    I love these and I’m a woman! I love the ones with the «feminists» criticizing the girls cuz I deal with that a lot, too, having bigger boobs. I love love love «gamer girl» I don’t consider myself one just a girl who plays video games but her and I have a lot in common and my boyfriend says she’s looks like a tanner cartoon version of me XD I want more of these!!

  102. Aleksandair dijo:

    I discovered it today and read all in one go !

  103. Ditto dijo:


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  105. Hydrolog dijo:

    Great job man! Your comic allways lifts my spirits!

  106. JSL dijo:

    I love these comics! Gamergirl and Hipstergirl are hilarious.

    Can’t get over Arthur in #122… Shirt and tie, hair pulled back, chicken bone sticking out of his mouth. Hysterical!

  107. gchaoslight dijo:

    That was good that was really good this comic is the one! For the right price I would buy this comic and I don’t really like comics but I would buy you’re!

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  110. random bystander dijo:

    these comics are AWESOME. just ignore the trolls who see this as sexual. but they really should make more about gamergirl. one could be about her playing the oculus rift.

  111. Cynthia dijo:

    These comics make me feel better about the world. Thank you.

  112. bellons91 dijo:

    Great work! But you should modify this page, it takes too much time to show all the images. You’d better use a gallery with thumbnails and a link to the original image 🙂

  113. Hariz Afiq dijo:

    why thre are censored, please remove, i know in original it uncensored, please

  114. Arthur dijo:

    The otome girl that he speak with, the simbol on her T-shirt, is from the principality of zeon!

  115. Man, I’d love to be a patron, but your method requires me to sign in into Facebook and I can’t do that because I have no Facebook account and have no intention to have a Facebook account.

    Could you please think of a back-up method?

  116. If u guys are interested, here is a torrent file of it, read it with no internet. http://kickass.to/living-with-hipstergirl-and-gamergirl-t7582956.html

  117. Yukisuke dijo:

    Are you ever gonna make a book for this? If funds are needed I would totally pitch in if you used kickstarter, because I love this comic series.

  118. DevilWithin dijo:

    What software does he use to draw these comics?

  119. kevtee91 dijo:

    Them girls are both so damn hot. Arthur is living both a dream and a nightmare

  120. Seraphim dijo:

    I enjoyed your comics immensly.
    Thanks for taking the trouble to translate them into English.

  121. Jack Albert dijo:

    Could you add a direct link to the most recent picture?

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  123. craftyghoul dijo:

    I love these! Such a great job!

  124. El Nino dijo:

    Why the comic about google maps was removed?

  125. alabandit dijo:

    Awesome new layout!
    Thanks for the great comic!

  126. CreepypastaLover dijo:

    Oh bro! These comics are awesome! Please add some more! The gamer girl is really like me XD Please keep them coming! My favorite one it the one with Slendy and Jeff 😛

  127. RedDarkness dijo:

    these his comics should turn an anime!

  128. ZeoUnit dijo:

    When do you plan to add more English pages 😀
    The comic is really good so I hope to see more of it.

    • Josh dijo:

      If you check the main page, the artist does make more English translated comics, but for some reason the newer ones aren’t linked here on the English-version page.

  129. Helpful dijo:

    Is it legal if i give out a linux one-liner to downoad all the pictures here?

  130. devzero dijo:

    thanks for you great comics,
    the link of the comic 149 is directing to the french version instead to the english one.

  131. CodyHawkCaster dijo:

    Could you PLEASE make a comic in which Artur swaps bodies with both of the girls and does some very perverted things

  132. koakuma dijo:

    Love your comics~
    But for the english version, I can’t find pages 41 and page 70.
    Also, page 65 cannot be found even in spanish.
    Could you fix this please?

  133. Visitor dijo:

    Where are latest 2 comic-pages?On other site I saw 2 newer…

  134. Pingback: Living with Hipstergirl and Gamergirl

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  136. Slag dijo:

    I see Arthur has good taste.
    Spice and Wolf light novel on 3/18’s comic!

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